Thursday 9 April 2009

A spot of undecorating

No gym again today because I offered my services at home, helping my Mum strip wallpaper.

It didn't feel like hard work at the time, but I am quite achey this evening! Tomorrow's plan is to get to the gym mid-morning to partake in more cycling, see if I can push myself a little harder this time.

I'm getting regular updates on Quadi. He's being calm and compliant which is great, not that I expected anything less of him :) He's apparently a bit foot sore but he is due remedial farrier work, sadly this won't be until Tuesday but until then he is being gentled along on a soft school surface. I have been terribly paranoid and asked if they can triple-check his digital pulse to make sure it's nothing more sinister than the hoof balance. What with all the upheaval to him recently, and the medication he has received, combined with his ability to retain weight like a pre-hibernation bear...if I don't ask them about laminitis I'll not sleep. Even though he is at a vet clinic surrounded by professionals!

Pessoa work is something he is finding very hard, the lunge sessions are always a struggle to start with. I guess he'll slowly unlock all the parts of his body he needs to over the next week or two, and hopefully after that it will be nothing more than strengthening his tummy and relaxing his back.

One day at a time. One day at a time.


  1. what made them think to investigate for kissing spines anyway?

  2. He started bucking and hit a brick wall with schooling. And was uneven behind.
